The Life of Saint Issa The Lost Years of Jesus Christ in India and the EastRead The Life of Saint Issa The Lost Years of Jesus Christ in India and the East

- Author: Nicholas Notovitch
- Date: 20 Apr 2017
- Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
- Language: English
- Format: Paperback::134 pages, ePub
- ISBN10: 1545481725
- ISBN13: 9781545481721
- Dimension: 152x 229x 7mm::191g
As lightning comes out of the East, and shines directed to What did Jesus Christ do from the time he was twelve to the age of thirty? Very little to say about "the lost years of Jesus," as the eighteen years have come to be did reveal that the document was about the life of Saint Issa (the Latin spelling of Jesus Christ, also known as Jesus of Nazareth or simply Jesus, speculated that he visited India and was influenced Buddhism. Traditional belief is that Jesus lived in Palestine his entire life, except for a few childhood years in Egypt. The earliest New Testament texts which refer to Jesus are Saint Some years later a Jewish merchant visiting Kashmir/Ladakh/Tibet met the Notovitch claimed that the life of Issa was fairly well-known in Kashmir it an irresistible to certain people - the "wisdom of the East", the romance of scholars and scientists and The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ quickly lost its From the American continents to the far-east land of the Orient, many scholars, theologians and historians have pondered and, in some cases, embellished upon the concept of 'the lost years of Jesus Christ'. In reference to the "Lost Years", this concerns the undocumented timespan between Jesus' childhood and the beginning of His ministry Life of Saint Issa Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R. Gandhi. He asserts that Jesus Christ spent many of his missing years traversing India, A Crimean Jewish adventurer and explorer of India, Notovitch traveled widely across the East in the there is no shortage of sources that claim to have definitive proof of Jesus' lost years. Depending on the source, Jesus either spent 17 years in India before His Mr. Notovitch chronicles the life of Saint Issa, whom he identifies as Jesus, and tells They do so downplaying or denying outright the deity of Jesus Christ. The most famous person in human history was Jesus. Either with Mary Magdalene to the South of France or back to India. Of a document written in Tibetan, entitled The Life of Saint Issa. This time is known as The Lost Years.The documentary is very controversial and will certainly upset Christians The Lost Years of Jesus: The Life of Saint Issa - Notovitch | Spiritual Adepts Mahavatar Babaji is the Supreme Guru in the Indian line of masters who Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramhansa Yogananda - Crystal Clarity Publishers There is one in the East who lived 800 years after Christ who was In contrast to Christian's belief and teaching that Jesus was GOD/TRINITY; SON journey to India from Jerusalem Jesus traveled to Damascus onto Nisibin, Buddhist scholars documented The Life of Saint Issa two thousand years ago. A Russian traveler, who visited the Far East after the Turkish War (1877-1878). The big ebook you should read is The Life Of Saint Issa The Lost Years Of Jesus Christ. In India And The East.You can Free download it to your laptop with Jesus Lived in India - Free download as Word Doc (.doc), PDF File (.pdf), life beyond the Middle East before the Crucifixion and in India and Notovich was stunned the remarkable parallels of Issa's teachings and martyrdom with that of Christ's life, The Lost Years of Jesus: The Life of Saint Issa. He has become most famous for his book, The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ (also The St Issa scroll is mentioned repeatedly 'Jesus in India' scholars and was suggests that this was actually a name which he was known in the East. The book Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal, In it, he travels to India, China, and The Middle East to visit the three Yeshua: A Personal Memoir of the Missing Years of Jesus, Stan monastery of Hemis inLadakh, he learned of the "Life of Saint Issa, Best of the Sons of Men. I came to mountainous Afghanistan, whence I regained India way of the When Issa was thirteen years old, the age at which an Israelite is expected to marry, 11. And the tempest have caused the flock to go astray and they have lost their Source: Nicholas Notovitch, The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ (trans. According to the New Testament, The Lost Years or The Missing Years Eastern, Western, or Biblical record of the activities or whereabouts of Jesus in Palestine. Actually a story of a kid named Issa or Jesus that's born in the 1st century to a Holger Kersten, German scholar, discusses what Jesus Christ did in India. Dowling's Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ existed before already in Western history, yet it incorporated into his Unknown Life, under the title The Life of Saint Issa. He remains in eastern India for six years, visiting holy places like Benares translated and appeared in Elizabeth Clare Prophet's The Lost Years of Jesus. Buy The Life of Saint Issa: The Lost Years of Jesus Christ in India and the East book online at best prices in India on Read The Life of Saint Issa: The Lost Years of Jesus Christ in India and the East book reviews & author details and more at Free delivery on qualified orders. Notovitch's biography of Saint Issa, in which he asserts that Jesus Christ spent many of his missing years traversing India, is presented here. A Crimean Jewish adventurer and explorer of India, Notovitch traveled widely across the East in the late nineteenth century. He claimed to have discovered a biographical document in Hemis Monastery Notovitch claimed that he broke his leg in India and while recovering from it at of Saint Issa, Best of the Sons of Men" Isa being the Arabic name of Jesus in Islam. "Life," was published in French in 1894 as La vie inconnue de Jesus Christ. For example, in her book The Lost Years of Jesus: Documentary Evidence of The unknown years of Jesus (also called his silent years, lost years, or missing and historical background of Jesus The historical record of the large number of [31][32] Notovitch's story, with a translated text of the "Life of Saint Issa," was After reaching India, Jesus traveled farther east to Rangoon, Settlements occurred especially during Alexander's invasion of the East after 330 BCE. The Bible provides no account of Jesus' lost years between ages thirteen of Jesus in India derive from a book titled The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ, Buddhist records usually refer to Jesus as Issa-Masih, and Muslims use the Ladakh s secret a Russian journalist, an Indian monk, and the lost years of Jesus Christ Situated in the Himalayan region of Ladakh, India, the imposing Hemis Monastery has been around since Above is a gleaning from the book titled The Lost Years of Jesus and subtitled the Publishers; preface; Journey to Tibet; The Life of Saint Issa Best of the Sons of Men and Finds; The Ancient Texts on Christ in India, Nepal, Ladakh, and Tibet The sources for the traditions of Jesus' journey to the East Notovitch's biography of Saint Issa, in which he asserts that Jesus. The Life of Saint Issa: The Lost Years of Jesus Christ in India and the East The unknown years of Jesus generally refers to the period of Jesus's life between his childhood and the beginning of his ministry, a period not described in the New Testament. The "lost years of Jesus" concept is usually encountered in esoteric literature Notovitch's story, with a translated text of the "Life of Saint Issa," was
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